I’m 60 yrs old, an average woman in fairly good health who until recently was able to easily chase my 6 young grandsons around the yard and walk the dog a mile each afternoon.
I am the face of a woman with Heart disease, and I did not know it. No real symptoms that jolted me. Just minor discomforts that pushed me to get a stress test.
My cardiologist asked if I am still working. When I told him I am an Instructor of CPR/AED, he chuckled and said you can’t make this stuff up.
In America, in 2016, there were more than 350,000 out of hospital sudden cardiac arrests with a 12% survival rate. With proper training and encouragement to be a responder and not just a bystander we can increase the success rate and with a healthier life style we can decrease the number of SCA events.